金蝶K3 wise常见问题数据库语句,处理后台问题
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金蝶K3 wise常见问题数据库语句
一、K3 14.3 生产任务结案后不能反结案,
select * from icmo where fbillno= ‘单据号’ —-查询
update icmo set fstatus=1,fmrpclosed=0,fhandworkclose=0 where fbillno = ‘单据号’ —更改
select fposterid , * from where fbillno = ‘单据号’ –查询这个字段是否有值
update ICStockBill set fposterid=” where fbillno=’单据号’ 删除凭证记账标记
update Icstockbill set fvchinterid=0 where fbillno=’单据号’ 删除凭证内部ID号
select* from t_Account where FName like ‘%暂估%’
update t1 set t1.FCussentAcctID= 1131
from ICStockBill t1 — inner join ICStockBillEntry t2 on t1.FInterID= t2.FInterID
where t1.FHookStatus =0 and FTranType=1
select*from icstockbill where (fcheckerid is null or fcheckerid=0)
and fcancellation=0 and fdate>=’2018-09-01′ and fdate<‘2019-09-30’
select*from icstockbillentry where finterid= ‘单据号’
update t_systemprofile set fvalue=’2000′ where fkey=’StartYear’ and fcategory=’GL’
update t_systemprofile set fvalue=’1′ where fkey=’StartPeriod’ and fcategory=’GL’
update t_systemprofile set fvalue=’2015′ where fkey=’CurrentYear’ and fcategory=’GL’
update t_systemprofile set fvalue=’11’ where fkey=’CurrentPeriod’ and fcategory=’GL’
【GL】财务处理,【FA】固定资产、【PA 】工资管理,【IC】业务系统